I had just finished Uni and got a jpob as a courier Iyt was all legla documents All of them were signed out to me and signed for on delivery I mostly used my bike but also had a small van for the stuff further afield , To be honest it was just to get my foot in the door with this big law firm who also ran the legal document courier service as a sideline
I started at seven and sorted out my routes etc Some offices were open at 8 some worked from home
I had a regular about three times a week, David was a man who was a Barrister , he did not do Court work, HGe reviewed cases and advised on the way forward and then sent the documents back He was very well thought of
David was mid fifties, very tall, immaculately groomed and well spoken , tanned and lean he was handsome too
I used to knock on the door of his house, it was set back off a posh road, trees on the drive and secuded , After a week or two he said " The back door is open , when you call come round the back" I did and he was usdaually sat in his huge kitchen and as he was one of my first stops he generally was sat reading the Times and drinking tea, He would always chat and offered me a cup of tea , sometimes I quickly drank one
I was loading up one day and said to my Boss about David , " Must be worth a fortune" my Boss replied " He is, no family and being gay no one to leave it to " As soon as he said he was gay I knew I wa goi g to have sex with him He turned me on , he was charming , I wanted him |