Just listening to a podcast discussing situations men get themselves in to find a hookup.
Reminded me of a time years ago I was working overseas in a country that had strict sodomy laws.
I wasn't planning on finding fun but my time was extended from 1 week to 1 month.
I didn't know where to go and couldn't Google for obvs reasons but I did have a secure message link to the UK so I sent an oblique message to a friend who sent me some coordinates back.
I looked up the coordinates and visited the next day, it was a paved park area with an open urinal where I surmised fun happened.
After several days visiting although nothing had happened I did notice the same guy around who I was getting vibes from.
One day he approached and said 'Chai chai' and indicated for me to follow.
I followed and went into a room off a street with a couple of guys smoking and drinking tea.
He indicated for me to go through a curtain at the back to a small room with a blanket and a bucket of water.
The next I hear was the main door being locked and the curtain pull back and one of the guys enter.
Fun was had and then the other guy came in.
Afterwards I was invited back into the main room and given tea before being taken back to the park.
I went back to the park several times and nothing happened again and the place I was taken too just looked like one of many doors down any back street.
Thinking back anything could have happen to me but my balls were full and I was horny.
What situations have you got yourselves into?