Dogging, Cross-dressing, Anal
Cross dressing sissy slut here for straight men. I Love to suck straight cock dry with my deep throating and extra sloppy technique (always taking in the balls with my tongue and licking out their hairy arseholes deep like a Cadbury's Creme Egg) and gradually quickening up the pace so I have their toes curling and that delicious, salty, warm spunk shooting down my throat which I gulp down greedily like the whore that I am.
Then I start all over and go for a second load if there's anymore left in the sacks...
That's how much I adore my straight men. Builders, Scaffolders, Roofers etc and all hard working men are top of the list xxxxxx
As I can only accom certain times, if I am online looking my status will say so. Please only message if you need my service NOW ...not for next week or month or never..
Bring me that straight cock!!!!