If you cant be arsed to read my profile then I cant be arsed with you.. No pics = no chats no meets...
Up for a good chat no matter how kinky or depraved it may be..
NOTICE....If you say your straight and only looking for women and have no pics or just cock pics then your no good to me and will be deleted
Looking for fit clean stiff cock. I'm 5'11" smooth all over, kinky and perverted to fuck, thrives on hot wild sleazy extreme sex .. pet lover, always dressed in sexy whore gear.... no pics = no reply.. If you want to fuck my brains out that's fine but I never never entertain at home or yours until I get to know you well, not much into one on one meets, I'm a very very demanding bitch.. group sex, multiple cocks, sex clubs, saunas etc or if the weather's warm and sunny and your brave enough then outdoors is ok to... Also have a profile on Fabswingers.. daphnejayne.. Please note hairy cocks and hairy beer bellies beards or heavy tattoos just dont do it for me... Will meet in male mode if there's enough well fit stiff spunky cocks to play with.
For those who've read this far, not many do.. then when messaging me please head it with depraved whore, I'll know if you've read me
Please note, I never accept friend invites from people I've never met............
123pvc.. what an arrogant prick.. tv4me44, another arrogant prick.. delboy200 yet another arrogant prick. Zeusan cock, it appears there's something very wrong with his brain
jimbo12199.. blocked me because my cam was broken, what a wanker