Thanks for looking at my profile. Single guy who loves to meet men. Live in St Austell but work all over Cornwall. If I'm online usually means I'm horny :) Open minded but not into watersports or pain.
If I’m being completely honest. I’ve never really thought of myself as anything special to look at all and don’t understand how anyone would ever call me handsome, if I had to give myself a score on that hot scale that we all judge everyone else on, I’d say I’m a good 5, (however, on a dark and foggy night, through dirty lenses I may scrape a 6). So if it’s Brad Pit your after your best looking else where cos I just don’t even come close and you should have realised by now the fact that I don’t have masses of self confidence even though I got good verifications, be gentle with me until it comes to the fucking that is haha
Would love to hear from you.
Happy fabbing!