I have a huge kink for being facefucked. Fuck my throat, challenge my gag factor, take control.
Equally happy for you to relax while I'm sucking your cock. I swallow. Facials are cool too.
I deepthroat.
If that appeals and you don't want to touch my cock, absolutely fine. I get close to coming when sucking without my cock touched.
Very open to a group using me. Have hung mates? Let me know.
Occasionally I'm up for mutual or having my cock sucked/wanked instead depending on your type.
Pretty open to being fucked these days. May need a brief chat first for that unless you're well verified.
Also open to watching, dark rooms, glory holes, saunas. Suggest something.
I adore being used like this vid linked below (straight porn):
I live alone, free Sunday to Thursday.