More than happy to chat, meet for a drink, go for a ride(motorbiker and cyclist),watch a game(rugby preferably), veg out, theatre ... anything else is up to two grownups though ... don’t get prissy if I want to steal your pants! In a relationship but all out in the open so no surprises for either of us.
Can’t like everyone and in return expect the same.
However, good manners cost nothing so grow a pair and get on with it.
If we meet and don’t find that we want to rip each other’s jocks off and fuck like the beasts we are - then we can be at least nice about it and perhaps even - become friends! I know! What a fucking novel concept!
Be witty and kind and you’ll have me for life.
Oh and I do have pics and I know what this app is primarily for (I am no where near as daft as I look) but I prefer to at least say hi on here first before you throw your hoop and giblets into the conversation - I mean, I’m a man and I like them lots but let’s face facts, we’ve all got them ... however if it does tricks (plate spinning, donut hole maker etc) then fuck saying hi and show me the talent.
On a different note, I have been made aware that 2 users on this site have taken offence at either I’ve turned up (but turned them down under the unfair trading regulations 2008 and not as most presume the trades description act) or I’ve had to cancel (despite repeated attempts on my part to actually get them to commit). Not here to throw stones but life happens, plans don’t always well, go to plan and sometimes even the most genuine amongst us fall down. At no point have we signed contracts in blood on the book of the beast - so jog on I say.
Sexual health is very important : on PrEP and last screen December 2024 all clear.