Laid back guy with a juicy prick - get in touch and let’s have a great time.
If your profile is hidden when you’ve contacted me, or you just offer to suck my dick without having/sending face pics, or you send me a friend request when you don’t even have friend pics - I’ll block you for having a low IQ.
If you think you are the hottest thing since the sun, and have a big ego that lives off of little power trips such as discriminating others based on how they choose to dress, their weight, or their age, or by not even deigning to say a simple “hi” back to someone who’s complimented you, all under the guise of “it’s nothing personal, just my preferences” - I’ll block you for being a narcissistic piece of plastic (no offence to recyclables meant).
If you are a decent human being, you’ll know if you are, say hello and we’ll take it from there.