Other day. Got no own teeth there now got faise one now been running today. (. L am dummy bear. L will runing this week and next week(. Not cum few week now very full xx L have shower everyday and night. Fresh xxx l am some ruining go shopping after this morning. Loose weight lost xx ). L had no sex. few week and last week my balls very full xx Like keep my cock my shelf when l cum when l am ready xx L been hold nice hairy body and tattoo on both arm and legs. Xx Happy that. L am happy keep my cock my arse too my shelf xx l am some bit running then l am going do some walking after lost. Bit weight when l done that l am happy. With that. Xx l am really happy all that. Xxxxx Next week maybe on bus bit xx lost loads weight now. Going down too much xx not smoking nomore and drinking no more. Not eating much. Only drink water everyday. And l am happy that. Can take my faise one out. In and out what too. Xx l am dummy bear now xx l can suck rim fuck. You like me suck you what you think feel like make you cum quickly you want me too xx got back 6 month time check up xx