Gay and total bottom love nothing more than sucking on a nice cock followed by a good fucking. Do like a good kiss and a cuddle as well. Can accommodate for relaxed discreet fun. On that note discretion is expected and guaranteed what happens at mine stays at mine. And for the curious guys you are more than welcome to come and experiment with no pressure.
Due to the number of dreamers, weirdo’s and outright time wasters on this site lately if you are genuine and message please send a face pic if you want a reply. (One of your own face not someone else please). Also please have some manners start a conversation before sending a friend request. Random friend requests will be ignored. Harsh I know but I need to know who you are first before coming friends. And for the pic collectors ( and there are plenty on here ) when you can’t get what you want there is no need to be obnoxious about it.
Prefer my men to be men so no cocks in frocks it does absolutely nothing for me.
If you have got this far and like what you see and read feel free to message. On that note random messages that arrive without a pic as above will be deleted without a reply. I know that may be harsh but you have a smart phone in your hands so take a pic and send it with your message.
Sometimes forget to log out so please be patient if you message and I don’t come back to you straight away.
I have verifications just choose not show them public. Always post new ones for a few days and then move them to private helps keep the discretion for those that need it.
HIV & STI tested Jan 2025 all negative.