Hi, please make the effort to read my entire profile before you respond, it is both polite, respectful and courteous and will ensure a response.
Just reading my status and not being bothered to make the effort to read my profile will result in me not being bothered to make any effort other than delete your message.
Okay so this is always the awkward bit so just gonna blurt it out..........to hell with it.
I'm a very horny & confident guy who likes passionate sex with men. Very tactile, love kissing, nibbling, stroking, wanking, sucking cock, rimming, fingering, pretty much anything that doesn't involve extreme pain, though quite like my arse slapped now & then. Love to be fucked. Love to play with & swallow cum. Like photo's/video. I'm open to all suggestions..........the worst will be I say NO so feel free to ask.
I like to read your messages but please make the effort to make them original and interesting. "Hi", "How are u?", "nice cock", "want to fuck you" and other single sentence messages don't qualify as interesting or original and will often just be ignored unless I find you particularly interesting myself. If you can't be bothered to be articulate then it's unlikely you'll put much more effort into any physical activity were we to meet. Suggestive and flirtatious is fine, I like that but please do make the effort to arouse my curiosity, it will pay dividends.
Some of my likes are listed below but some aren't an option to list, some I may not have thought of and will possibly consider. The only way to know will be to ask, the worst that will happen will be a polite no, or maybe an enthusiastic yes......who knows?
So don't be shy, get in touch and just maybe it'll be your lucky day.........and mine.
This is an important part. If you are not willing to provide pictures of yourself please don't bother to get in touch with me. I DO NOT do blind dates. I'm not looking for model type guys but there has to be some for of physical attraction. I totally understand people's wish for caution and discretion and respect that as I expect others do with mine. I do not collect or share pictures with others nor discuss details about others. What occurs in my private life is just that "private" and any correspondence I have with others is strictly confidential. So if you are unwilling to provide pics after we have chatted don't bother getting in touch, we won't be meeting without them.
P.S. 420 Friendly x