I am the property of Foot MasterUk and compared to him i am fucking dirt. I am his personal whipping boy.I am devoted and dedicated to making him happy and amused or comfortable and content. whatever that may be.
Top 5 most disgusting and degrading things Foot Master UK has gifted me with , so far.
•i teased out and ate pieces of bread stuck to the tread of his amazing trainers, with my tongue and teeth
•I licked up and ate trodden- in mustard off the kitchen floor which he had put there and stepped in
•FMUK guided my head into the toilet bowl pissed on it and then flushed the toilet with my head still down it
•FMUK made me a cigarette with some of his freshly cut pubic hairs in it and made me smoke it, with the smell of burning hair in the air and my lungs. genius.
•FMUK on arrival took his shoes and socks off and from under his socks he had very thoughtfully brought me two pieces of white crusty bread, which were softened a little by the heat and sweat produced by his beautiful feet. I was then required to eat the dry bread, but he did add his saliva into my mouth to help me chew the dry bread.
It’s those little details that make me feel especially disgusting. and makes FMUK standout in the world of Masters. I know that humiliating me and being cruel and doing disgusting things for him make him v happy . and is also why i’ve loved every minute of it ( although this isn’t the purpose of the tasks, it’s a favourable bi product )