Hi all bin on some time now so I know a bit more of wot I want .
I only meet/ play dressed it's more then a sex thing for me I've allways got fem underware on and I dress as much as I can .
I love cum in my mouth I allways swallow or cum on me. I'm going to be more picky now as well sorry ,if u want to meet let's not be miles apart just can't see the point . Please don't take a fence if your just not my type. I've taken a likeing to the older guys that's not set in stone but it helps .
I do have a wish list I want to try . More then happy to meet orther cds tvs lets have some lezy fun girl's. Want to know anything just ask me want to try any thing just say u won't shock me I promise. One big no is thow I will say that. Let's have fun Sara xxx