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Joined: over a year ago
Last on: 2 hours ago
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Looking For
aged 18 to 65.
Won't meet smokers.
61 years old
Non smoker
Social drinker No tattoos No piercings
Size: Average
Role: Top Caucasian (white)
1 on 1, Anal, Kissing, Oral, Safe sex, Uniform, Wanking
Looking to meet interesting guys in Glasgow.
A small update: my thanks to those who have contributed constructive comments on my profile and prowess at writing (LOL). I must highlight a message from one particular 'fabguy' who felt my profile suggested that I was 'so far up my own arse'. You will be glad to know, I took this criticism on board and replied that, unlike him, I was not into self .
It does appear that there are many SAD individuals on Fabguys. That is, those suffering from Seasonal Arsehole Disorder. This raises an interesting philosophical talking point - the difference between have/are. Whilst all of us have arseholes, it appears that some on here ARE arseholes. Something to ponder on perhaps . . .
I am intrigued by the 'hard of spelling' brigade. Their quest for 'discrete meets' unmet by Groundhog Day shags. And what is this fear of horologists? So many not wanting to engage with timewaisters! Wearing a time-piece upon one's waist could be a new fashion trend. Might be tempted to consider a bit of 'Roll Play', provided you have the bacon, brown sauce and, of course, the rolls.
As for those who describe themselves as 'honest' and 'genuine' - I fear they tend to have much in common with Donald Trump. And no, I have no wish to shag him either.
Those after 'quick shags': I'm not keen on meeting the Jeremy Clarksons of fabguys - going from naught to ejaculation in six seconds. This may change in the event of nuclear war breaking out. In such circumstances, I welcome offers of four minute orgies.
It would be nice to meet guys with more between their ears than between their legs. However, on some occasions, what's between your legs may be the overriding qualification. So, let's wait and see . . . Impress me . . . it will be worth the challenge! (LOL)