**************I AM UNDER NO OBLIGTION TO RIMM ANYONE,I DO IT BECAUSE I LIKE DOING IT. THE LIMIT IS 40 BUT NOT SET IN STONE, THERE MAY BE AN EXCEPTION,BUT OVER 45, IT WILL NOT HAPPEN, BUT MAY BE UP FOR SUCKING YOU OFF. I realy am truly sorry to those that disapoints, and I wish I could rimm over 40 + but I cant,its nothing personal, its just the way I am wired, believe me if I could, I would. It as much a disapointment to me as it is you ***********
60, average build with decent size cock & big balls, I love sucking and rimming (thats obvious innit) lads as lots can verify that statement, along with all the usual stuff.
Sucking = Not bothered how big it is or isn't so long as it works and delivers me a feed am happy.
Rimming you, MAX AGE IS 40 THERE MAY BE EXCEPIONS ? Yes I will if you have hit the right buttons and we are both agreed on it.
I'm not under any obligtion to do it, neither are you obliged to let me, I want you to be happy about it, but I also want you to enjoy it because when we do,I know I will.
I aint got a particular type, and not set in one direction, so please dont be put off if ur a large lad or a skinny one,I meet all sizes.
Looks, dont have to be a God, and its only skin deep anyway, the best book dont always have the best cover, nor does the pretty wine bottle hold the best wine.
I love Asian lads and also EU lads I am attracted to aswell, as the many accents of our UK.
The other stuff comes as it comes, if theres owt not covered please ask, I wont bite, I answer all questions and messages I get one way or another, I dont like ignorant people who look at me,read a message I send and ignore me,even Pigs dont do that,and I wont insult a pig by calling them a Pig, unfortunate but there are some in the area where I live, easy to spot because ther heads that far up their own arse they can see out of their gobs.
I am not into this cock cage bollocks, masks, hoods, and the like.
No, I dont wanna sniff your trainers or jack my load off onto them or your wifes panties, your bum or face is good tho.
If you agree to verify, please do it,dont agree and then refuse to like some I can name from South Elmsall, Upton, Kirkby and Fitzwilliam. If you dont want to,please say so at the time, its fine,just dont agree and then refuse later, just aint fair & maks you a bigger arsehole than the on you sit on.
If you have read this far and wanna know more just ask, obvious not everything can be covered on here, but dont ask me about people I have met in the past, those who have left a verifiication have said all you need to know about them, or read their profile, dont ask me.
Possibly you may think my profile is abrupt, but when you are dealing with some of the "Space between the ears idiots & Blatherskites" on here you may understand why.