Suited and Booted (Smart) Top / PVC & Rubber (Sleazy) Bottom… let me know what your into!
Its not a must but i really enjoy my guys to dress professionally/suited n booted if i am playing the bottom role • or in something slutty if your playing the bottom role!!!
I don't care how ripped you are, lets get that straight makes you no better than anyone… what good is a gun without the bullets? Meaning if you cant speak on a respectful and intellectual stand point then you ain't my type!
I like genuine down to earth guys so if your a prick it ain’t going nowhere for us, sorry not sorry!
About verifications: i don't have any YET! but like I've always experienced when the right guy does meet me and verifies me all those of you who spoke to me like shit (because I'm not desperate to prove I'm desirable) just wait lol ?? i value my health over being a tramp so my profile may be “shit” for now but you’ll see.